“We are thankful to our partners for their considerable efforts and commitment to our long-term vision.” Julie Reneau, Sustainability Strategy and Stakeholder Relationship Manager, Nespresso
Working through long-term partnerships is key to making real impact on the environment and society. After all: together is better, right?

Developed with the Rainforest Alliance and launched in 2003, the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program is a unique coffee sourcing program. Since 1987, the Rainforest Alliance’s ambitious mission is to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods.
This non-profit organization is committed to protecting workers’ rights and improving working conditions worldwide. Together, we have worked on building our social sustainability criteria, taking into consideration both farmer’s and community’s needs.
When working at community level, we have built strong bonds with Fairtrade International. Its mission is to connect producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty. Together we have built the Farmer Future Program, starting in Aguadas, Colombia.
Fair Trade USA is a leading certifier in the United States. Its mission is to guarantee farmers and workers are paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment and receive community development funds to empower and uplift their communities. Nespresso is working with Fair Trade USA as part of the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program in Cauca-Nariño, Colombia.
For nearly 50 years, TechnoServe has been a leader in harnessing the power of the private sector to help people lift themselves out of poverty. A non-profit organization operating in 29 countries, TechnoServe works with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses and industries. At Nespresso, we find the experience extremely powerful, and we are partnering to work together in different places like Africa, Colombia and even Cuba.
At Nespresso, we love planting trees, not only do they replenish the environment, but they also create very specific terroirs that support the creation of exceptional coffees. Pur Project has inspired our work by helping us to deploy ecosystem projects, with the objective of delivering long-term resilience to farming communities.
FNC is a front-runner in agriculture representing over 500’000 coffee growers in Colombia. For over 90 years, it has represented Colombian farmers through work on the ground as well as by exporting high quality Arabica coffee. We have collaborated since 2006 to work with over 30’000 farmers in the country through our AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program.