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Caffé Nocciola

Cup Size:
Original 25ml
Original 40ml
Original 110ml
Aromatic Profiles:
Flavoured / Hazelnut Flavoured Coffee


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Asset 53
Original 40ml
Original 110ml

Caffé Nocciola

A hazelnut flavour in perfect balance with our smooth South American Arabicas in an exquisite flavoured coffee

nocciola capsule
nocciola capsule


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The roasted hazelnut flavour of CAFFÈ NOCCIOLA cascades through a smooth South American Arabica blend. Through the coffee’s malted cereal character comes this caramelised nutty note - your cue to slow down and savour your coffee moment. Try it with milk – it is a milky delight with the hazelnut flavour taking on a delicious praline character for you to linger over.​
AROMATIC PROFILE: Flavoured / Hazelnut Flavoured Coffee


Τhe alchemy of coffee and added flavours doesn’t happen by chance, so we dedicated attention to crafting tailor-made coffee bases. For the flavoured creations we use a blend of silky-textured Brazilian and Colombian Arabicas.


This coffee is roasted using the split roast technique, separating the coffees by country of origin. Both splits are similarly light roasted, done in a short time, and are done to work well and not overpower the added flavours.


This flavoured blend delights with its classic hazelnut flavour, complemented by notes praline, biscuit, and cereals.


50 PRO capsules of roast and ground coffee with hazelnut flavouring for the NESPRESSO system. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Ingredients Roast and ground coffee with natural hazelnut flavouring. Net Weight (for 50 capsules) 305g – 10.75 oz.


OUR COMMITMENT In 2003, we sealed our commitment on sustainability and quality. Today, we celebrate our long-term partnership with the Rainforest Alliance, through the AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program. We source more than 80% of our coffee from AAA farms and over 40% of all of our coffee from the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM farms.


recycling AAA since 2023 Rainforest Alliance Certification


In 2003, we sealed our commitment on sustainability and quality. Today, we celebrate our long-term partnership with the Rainforest Alliance, through the AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program. We source more than 80% of our coffee from AAA farms and over 40% of all of our coffee from the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM farms.


Τhe alchemy of coffee and added flavours doesn’t happen by chance, so we dedicated attention to crafting tailor-made coffee bases. For the flavoured creations we use a blend of silky-textured Brazilian and Colombian Arabicas.


This coffee is roasted using the split roast technique, separating the coffees by country of origin. Both splits are similarly light roasted, done in a short time, and are done to work well and not overpower the added flavours.


This flavoured blend delights with its classic hazelnut flavour, complemented by notes praline, biscuit, and cereals.


50 PRO capsules of roast and ground coffee with hazelnut flavouring for the NESPRESSO system. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Ingredients Roast and ground coffee with natural hazelnut flavouring. Net Weight (for 50 capsules) 305g – 10.75 oz.


OUR COMMITMENT In 2003, we sealed our commitment on sustainability and quality. Today, we celebrate our long-term partnership with the Rainforest Alliance, through the AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program. We source more than 80% of our coffee from AAA farms and over 40% of all of our coffee from the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM farms.


More than 1,600 collection points across Austria allow a simple and comfortable return.

recycling AAA since 2023 Rainforest Alliance Certification


In 2003, we sealed our commitment on sustainability and quality. Today, we celebrate our long-term partnership with the Rainforest Alliance, through the AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program. We source more than 80% of our coffee from AAA farms and over 40% of all of our coffee from the Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM farms.

21 Coffees to Suit Every Taste, Any Time of The Day