Aguila 220 Professional Coffee Machine
High performance in a compact machine with unmatched choice of one-touch recipes
Why Aguila 220?
- Unmatched in-cup quality and milk recipes at the touch of a button
- Up to 2 extraction heads work simultaneously
- Up to 200 coffee per hour
Key Features
Free Trial
CONTACT USA Dedicated Range of Professional Coffee Machines Designed To Meet your Needs
- Medium and large offices
- High reliability
- Up to 100-200 coffees per hour
For technical problems or questions regarding your Nespresso Professional machine you can call our customer service daily 24 hours at 210 67 11 007.
Our coffee specialists will be happy to assist you in diagnosing the problem of your machine. In case the issue cannot be resolved over the phone, we will be happy to take and pass on a technical order.
A technician will contact you within one to two working days to make an appointment for a visit on site.
Did this answer your question? If not, ask us your question, we will be pleased to help you.
Here you will find an assistance video for every Nespresso Professional machine.
In addition, our coffee specialists will also be happy to assist you on our service number at 210 67 11 007 (call fees apply).
Did this answer your question? If not, ask us your question, we will be pleased to help you.
Check the mains plug and fuses. In addition, our coffee specialists will be happy to assist you on our service number at 210 67 11 007 (call charges apply). Did this answer your question? If not, ask us your question, we will be pleased to help you.
Capsule is not perforated
If the capsule is not perforated after inserting, please smooth down the edge of the capsule and try it again.
Flowmeter error message
If you receive a “flowmeter error message”, please try following options:
• Switch the machine off and back on. Make sure that all levers are closed, when you do a cold boot. The levers should stay closed until the cold boot is over.
• Close the brewing unit without inserting a capsule and press the coffee button. Afterwards open the lever.
Water underneath the machine
If there is water underneath the machine, please remove the capsule drawer and check the connection of the tubes, which are located behind the drawer.
If these tips don't help you to achieve the desired solution, please call our customer service daily 24/7 at 210 67 11 007. We will be happy to assist you.
Did this answer your question? If not, ask us your question, we will be pleased to help you.
For us Nespresso Professional is a very efficient and high-quality solution. The employee behind the counter can focus on serving the client, while the coffee is practically getting prepared by itself within a short amount of time, always delivering the same professional end cup result.
The meaning of Gastronomy is inextricably linked to the word history, Through its coffee, Nespresso Professional has learned to tell magical stories about the journey of coffee from cherry to cup. Αll varieties are a trip to Nepal, Ecuador, Brazil and many more. The only condition is the quality and the stability that the technology of the Nespresso capsule can offer us.
The first "good morning" in the office is important to have the ... aroma, taste and positive energy of a good coffee that awakens the senses and increases the daily performance of our work. But also at the break, moments of relaxation with colleagues become even better when accompanied by a good blend of coffee and a warm smile!